Thursday, May 30, 2013

S is for Signatures - Family History Through the Alphabet

Finding signatures of ancestors is a fun part of family history.  I wish I could analyze handwriting from just a signature.  Maybe it would tell me something about my ancestors' personalities.

A few signatures in my collection

My father's signature, taken from his marriage license:
My paternal grandfather's signature, taken from his marriage license:
My paternal grandmother's signature, also taken from her marriage license:
My mother's signature, taken from her marriage license:
My maternal grandparents' signatures, taken from their marriage license:

My maternal great-grandfather's signature, taken from the death certificate of his wife, Mary (Thompson) Bickerstaff:

My maternal great-great-grandfather's signature, taken from his Civil War Pension File:

I think I may have several more signatures but the documents haven't yet been scanned.  It would be fun to make a pedigree chart of signatures, don't you think?  I would have several "x" signatures in mine and probably many blanks for lack of signatures.

This post was written to contribute to Alona Tester's Family History Through the Alphabet challenge at Genealogy & History News.  Thanks, Alona.



  1. Oh, a tree of signatures would be cool. But mine would be full of X's, I'm afraid.

    I have a genealogy board on Pinterest, and there are several contemporary-style trees that the signatures would really look good on. Now I want to look for signatures, but I think I have too few to make an effective tree.

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