Monday, June 2, 2014

Thank You, Gini and Thomas

Many thanks to Gini Webb of Ginisiology for inviting me to participate in her series of interviews, May I Introduce To You... and to Thomas MacEntee of GeneaBloggers for publishing the interview.

Thank you both so much!



  1. Really enjoyed reading the interview!!

  2. Your answers to Gini's questions are just as thoughtful and thought-provoking as your blog posts. Well done!

  3. A great interview with one of my favorite bloggers! Good job all around!

  4. Nancy, I saw Wendy's recommendation of your interview on Gini's column, and took a look. I'm saving your advice for beginners for when friends mention to me that they are considering starting a blog. Your experience mirrors the regrets I've heard others mention. You've turned it into a helpful resource by writing it out for Gini's column.

    1. Thank you, Jacqi. After the interview was posted I realized that there were a few other beginner tips for creating a blog that I would have added. Maybe one of these days soon I'll write a more detailed post. I hesitated to include all that I did so I'm glad to know someone may find it useful. Thanks for following.

  5. Nancy - I read your interview and have been here for some time reading some of your posts and looking around on your blog. Well done! Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Diane. I appreciate them.

  6. Congratulations Nancy! An informative interview.

    Every May 4th I recall the shootings at Kent State -- Allison, Jeff, Sandy and Bill. :-( A good friend of mine roomed the next fall with a survivor who was paralyzed.

    1. Thanks, John.

      The experience of rooming with someone so affected by the riots would certainly have brought home the severity of the tragedy. It was an awful time to be on campus but even worse for those who were on the Commons that day.

  7. Ah, Nancy, what a great interview! How I miss you and wish we could be closer and less busy overall. I have so many happy memories and reading this interview and your thoughts was meaningful to me. You just express yourself so well and you are so wise really. I also appreciated the tips on blogging - I do wish you would do a post about it so that I could find your tips again easily. I have been considering a family history blog as well - when I am finished with the hope chest! and maybe one on homesteading...I find blogging keeps me doing what I wish to do when I get distracted by other things!

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. One of the things I remember when learning about family history is the beautiful scrapbook your grandmother had made and decorated. These days we tend to go digital instead of paper and pen. How times change.

      Someone else commented about the blogging tips, too, and I've been thinking about doing a separate post, especially because I realized I left out several things I learned that would be useful to new bloggers. It's not like you need any help at all with your blogging, Kathleen. Even when your hope chest blog was new, it looked like you'd spend a great amount of time thinking and planning layout, colors, font -- everything was and is just perfect!

      Thanks for your kind words and thoughts, Kathleen.


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.