Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Kindred Spirit!

Helen F. M. Leary on the history of genealogy, the comforts people find in researching their ancestors, and her thoughts on researching, serendipity, and the individuals who were our ancestors.  She is delightful and I'm so thrilled to learn that at least one other person thinks about ancestors the way I do.

Thanks to Wendy Lavender who posted this on the Facebook Genealogy Do-Over page.



  1. I agree. I just love her and love listening to her. She is a big reason I joined the North Carolina Genealogy Society. I love having access to some of her webinars. She has such a common sense approach to genealogy and finding our ancestors.

    1. Her webinars probably aren't available on youtube, are they, Michelle? I really appreciate her calm demeanor. My ancestors aren't going anywhere....

  2. I like her reminder that genealogy is leisurely, that we can take our time. Usually I feel more like I'm in a mad rush to find it all.

    1. Yes, and I liked her comment that our ancestors aren't going anywhere. I feel like I'm in a mad rush sometimes, too. I need to remember her calm demeanor and her words, too.

  3. Nancy, I'm so far behind in reading blogs, but I knew I had to tell you that quite a few years ago, Helen gave 4 lectures up here in MA. Fortunately, I had heard of her, so I went. Amazing.
    Me too, I'm always in a rush, and it's especially true when I'm in a library researching...gotta get done before the doors closes!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, Barbara. (I'm usually behind in my blog-reading, too. It's just one more part of my "rush.") How wonderful that you were able to hear Helen in person. I need to keep reminding myself to slow down.


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