Friday, February 6, 2015

Salid Dressing, Peach or Apple Pudding - Family Recipe Friday

The recipe for Salid [sic] Dressing calls for Eagle Brand Milk, generally known as Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk.  I wondered if that could help me date this recipe book.  It can't.  The company's website tells me that Eagle Brand Milk was first introduced in 1856 -- and my grandmother wasn't born until 1893.  Eagle Milk had been around almost 40 years by the time she was born. 

This recipe also calls for a raw egg, an ingredient most of us would shun these days for fear of salmonella.  The ingredients suggest to me that this is a mayonnaise type dressing that would be great for cole slaw (if only the egg were cooked).  Maybe salmonella was less of a problem a hundred years ago, before egg factories.

Salid Dressing.
1 can Eagle Brand
1 egg.
1 teaspoon Must-
1/2 cup Vinegar.
Beat egg well
add Mustard &
salt.  Mix well &
then add Eagle
Brand Milk &
then the Vinegar.

Peach or Apple Pudding
1 tablespoon butter
1 egg.
1/2 cup Suagr.
1/2 cup Sweet Milk.
1 cup flour
Fill a buttered dish
with sliced apples or
peaches & pour over
the top a batter
made of the above ingredients.

This is another page from my grandmother Emma Bickerstaff Meinzen's Webster's Spelling Tablet, probably a tablet with pages for taking spelling tests, unused and left by one of her daughters.


Copyright © 2015 Nancy Messier. All Rights Reserved.


  1. You could use those fake eggs...the egg substitutes. Salmonella was discovered and named in 1885. In my experience my Grandmother raised her own chickens and didn't worry about it. :)

    1. Hi, Far Side. I hadn't thought of that. I think they are egg whites but there may be some that really are substitutes and not eggs at all. I know it used to be common to use raw eggs in salad dressing, egg nog, and other dishes, too, I suppose. It's probably safer to grow one's own chickens but much less doable than decades ago. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  2. Hi Nancy, I remember making this salad dressing under my mothers guidance as a young girl, and if I remember correctly, we didn't put an egg in, just condensed milk, vinegar, mustard and a little pepper and salt. It was yummy, nice on coleslaw and potatoe salad. Love these old recipes.

    1. Oh, great idea to use condensed milk, Diane. I will have to try it with that substitute. I can imagine it on both cole slaw and potato salad. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your helpful comment.


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