Friday, December 1, 2017

Northumberland Church Records Now Available for at-Home Online Viewing at FamilySearch

Today I wanted to recheck information about a FamilySearch film.  I searched for Film # 1,068,963.  What a difference a month makes!

I learned that the records are now available for viewing online at home.  A month or so ago I had to go to the Family History Center to see the images for this film.

If you look at this long list of locations and feel overwhelmed at the thought of having to search through thousands of pages of church records for your ancestor because they are not indexed, remember that a general search with a name at FamilySearch may give information and a film number.  If that is so for one of your ancestors, you can search the film number and learn whether images of the film are available either a Family History Center or at home for searching.

A search for an ancestor becomes a two-step process if a film number is identified and there's no image, but even with that little extra effort, I'm happy to be able to find my ancestors at home.  (Learn more at this post.)  I know that in some cases, the names have been indexed but the indexes are not connected to the images.  

FamilySearch continues to add new records for online viewing.  Always look for a film number if you find an ancestor's record without an image.  If there is one, use the catalog to find the film. 

Remember that you can see more if you have a free, no-strings-attached FamilySearch account (which, I understand, will soon be mandatory to see all images).


Copyright ©2017 Nancy Messier. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Thank you SO much for this great hint! Happy holidays to you and yours.

    1. You're welcome, Marian. I hope this information is helpful. And just so you know, not ALL Northumberland church records are available online, but some of the digitized films are.


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