Saturday, January 9, 2010

Susan Holmes Bickerstaff

I'd rather remember family on their birthdays, but since I don't know the date of birth of my great-great-great-grandmother, Susan (sometimes known as Susanna) Holmes Bickerstaff, and I know she died on January 10, 1894, I thought I'd commemorate her life today.

The connection between us goes like this: me -> my mom -> Emma Bickerstaff Meinzen -> Edward Jesse Bickerstaff -> Ellis Bickerstaff -> Susan Holmes (& William) Bickerstaff.

I found Susan through research and the help of Danice Ryan, another Bickerstaff descendant, rather than through any family records or genealogy. I know so very little about her.

She was the mother of 14 known children. Susan's husband, William, passed away in March, 1893, about 10 months before her.

This obituary was published in "The Steubenville Weekly Gazette" on Friday, January 12, 1894.

It reads: "Mrs. Susan Bickerstaff, widow of the later William Bickerstaff, died Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Kidd, on South Sixth street, aged eighty-five years. She was born in Carroll county, her maiden name being Holmes, and was married to Mr. Bickerstaff in Tuscarawas county in 1829. Nine children survive her: Augustine, Enos, William N., John and Lewis of this city, Ellis of McKeesport, Elizabeth, wife of John Nelson; Mrs. Mary Kidd and Mrs. John Curfman of this city. Her death removes a highly respected Christian woman. Funeral at 2 p.m."

Gramma Susan, if I knew your birthday, I would remember you then. Perhaps one day I'll find it.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy

    I've left you a Happy 101 Award over at Destination: Austin Family


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