Monday, December 19, 2011

A Centenary Celebration for Beulah and Gust Doyle

This is the first centenary celebration of a birth or anniversary that I remember since I began working on my family history nearly six years ago. (And I've almost missed posting this one it on the actual day!)

My grandparents, Beulah Mae Gerner and Gust Doyle, were married a hundred years ago today, December 19th, 1911. Their marriage lasted less than two years, ending with Beulah's death after the birth of my father and his twin sister. I never knew either of these grandparents: Beulah died in 1912, Gust in 1933.

I count it a blessing that my father received two of Beulah's rings, the one above and another with an emerald in the center, both given to her by Gust. When I was a child my mother had them in her jewelry box. I loved this ring best. My mother always called it a ruby ring but I've since learned that it is not a real ruby. You can see that one of the small diamonds, if they are diamonds, is missing. Real ruby or not, three diamonds instead of four, I love it no less. The hands of my grandparents touched this ring.

Happy 100th Anniversary, Beulah and Gust!


  1. Nancy, thank you for sharing your grandparents' 100th anniversary. How wonderful that you remembered it!

    It's also really neat that your dad kept her ring. a second cousin of mine has our 3rd-great-grandmother's wedding ring and her mirror-- lucky!

  2. What a touching post. It is such a shame to think how many ancestors were lost to childbirth. I'm glad you have the ring.

  3. What a touching post. It is such a shame to think how many ancestors were lost to childbirth. I'm glad you have the ring.


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