Sunday, December 4, 2011

Grandfather's Journal: Turning Hearts - a FamilySearch Video

He said, "There's something about the voices down through the ages...." Oh, to have an ancestor's journal to hold in my hands, to read, to meet my ancestor through the pages and "hear" his or her voice!

Do you keep a journal? Your descendants will love you for it if you do!


  1. I would like to publish some of your comments on our church bulletin encouraging journal writing. To whom should I give credit?

    Specifically, "You don't leave your essence unless you leave a journal."

    "Oh, to have an ancestor's journal to hold in my hands, to read, to meet my ancestor through the pages and "hear" his or her voice! Do you keep a journal? Your descendants will love you for it if you do!"

  2. Anna, because we don't know the name of the man speaking in the video, the first quote would have to be credited to the video, "Grandfather's Journal: Turning Hearts" by FamilySearch.

    The other sentences are my own thoughts. You can give credit to Nancy Messier.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for asking permission to quote. I appreciate it.


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