Thursday, December 1, 2011

Time to Say Thank You

Finding details about my ancestor's service in the Civil War is a new area of research for me. A month or so ago I ordered my great-grandfather Ellis Bickerstaff's C.W. Compiled Military Service Records. After they arrived I posted images of the pages along with some questions.

I wish to thank several helpful bloggers who responded to that post. They left comments with sources and links to sites where I could find information about the 157th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Those very helpful bloggers are
I'm on my way to discovering more about Ellis. I may have eventually happened onto these resources but having them suggested and having links given in the comments has made it so much easier. I'm grateful to fellow bloggers and family historians/genealogists who so willingly offer help and suggestions. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Leah, Heather, Shelley, and Dee.


  1. Nancy, how kind! You are very welcome and I can't wait to hear more about your discoveries!

  2. Nancy, you're more than welcome! So sweet of you to post a thank-you. Sounds like you've got a lot of great leads, and I'll be eager to hear what you find.

  3. No problem, Nancy.

    I get all sorts of tips from you...



I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.