It offers more than listing your own blog, though. It offers the opportunity to view other people's blogs (more than 1700 other blogs) by category. Some of the categories include Genealogy News; Personal Research; Locality Specific; Tips, Resources & Reviews; Technology; Single Surname; GenWeb; Preservation; Photography; Cemeteries; Conferences; Podcasts; Libraries; Associations & Societies; Obituaries; some heritage-specific categories; plus others.
Genealogy Blog Finder also offers the opportunity for you to search for content in other people's blogs that are listed. In the search box at the top you can type the subject or surname, then click the circle for it to search the blog directory or to search specific posts. (It's very sad to type in a topic or surname and find that it lists only your own posts.)
Of course only blogs whose owners have asked to be included are available on this list. Maybe you'd like your blog to be listed on Genealogy Blog Finder?
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Thomas is the workhorse behind GeneaBloggers. When we go to the website we see posts about topics of interest; daily lists of posts for daily blogging themes; upcoming webinars; a healthy list of tags on the right sidebar; plus so much more.
One of the things that I have overlooked in the past are the links at the top of the page. There's a reason they're at the top: so we see them first thing! (Eager to see the newest content, I often scroll right past those links.)
The links are
- About is where, if you're new to the site, you can learn the what and why of GeneaBloggers.
- Genealogy Blog Listing offers a list of over 2,000 blogs whose owners participate as GeneaBloggers. There's a list and a link to every single one!
- Upcoming Events has calendars for anniversaries; daily blogging themes; geneawebinars; conferences and expos; and genealogy speakers.
- Blogs By Type is one of my favorite links because it lists categories, including a list of blogs by state and their recent posts. (Not to play favorites, but my favorites are Ohio and Pennsylvania blogs. I'm a born and raised Ohioan.)
- At Suggest a Blog you can ask to have your blog included in the GeneaBloggers blog roll.
- Search All Blogs is the place to search member blogs by subject, surname, or other words. I think this is the place to go if you remember reading a post about a particular topic but can't remember where. (It's sad how often I can't remember where these days.)
- Blog Resources is the go-to list if you want to learn how to change a header; back up your data; edit a photograph; improve your blog; learn about copyrights; and myriad other things.
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My favorite blog? No, I don't have just one. To the left, about halfway down the page, you'll see a title, "About Other People's Ancestors." Under that title you'll see ten blogs listed. At the bottom of that list you'll see "Show All" in little letters. If you click on the "Show All," a long list of blogs I regularly enjoy will appear. I invite you to visit them. I've set the view so that you can see the title of the most recent post and so that the blogs with the newest posts rotate to the top of the list. I hope you'll find a blog or two that's new to you and will become one of your favorites.
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The Genealogy Blog Finder is great!
ReplyDeleteThank you for participating in the Abundant Genealogy series. I hope you enjoy it!