Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reviewing January

I'm reviewing my January To Do List and evaluating my success (or lack thereof). We won't call it failure (because I hate to fail.) What I didn't get done in January I'll carry over to February's List. I hope I won't have to do that too often and what I especially hope is that I don't have to carry over the same thing more than once.

January has been a busy month in other areas of my life. There were some non-genealogy deadlines which couldn't be postponed and some activities that took longer than I anticipated. Family history didn't play as large a part of my life in January as I hope it will in February and the rest of the year.

That being said, here's my review for January:

Done! -- Organize Ellis Bickerstaff's pension file into chronological order

Undone. -- Transcribe one document in the pension file.

Done! -- Write and post about his pension file. The CWPF posts were Civil War Pension File: First View; Civil War Pension File: Inventory; and Civil War Pension File: Chronological Overview of Papers Pertaining to Ellis.

Undone. -- Watch one RootsMagic webinar and put what I learn to use in RM with my own information.

Done! -- Write and publish two Tuesday's Tip posts. These posts were U.S. Census Information: Sites for Details and Once a Miner, Twice a Breaker Boy.

Done! -- At FamilySearch, look for new Ohio resources; search any that look helpful.

Done! -- At FamilySearch, look for new Pennsylvania collections.

I'll post my February To Do List in a day or two.


  1. Oh well done! This is so beyond my abilities, but I'm full of admiration for your perseverance.

  2. You did get a lot done in January! Focus on the positive. :) What new resources did you find at FamilySearch? I'd love to hear!

  3. You did get a lot done in January! I admire you for setting goals and sticking with them. Sometimes I get frustrated or preoccupied with what I haven't accomplished rather than be happy with what I have accomplished. It's easy to do. Stephanie is right! Focus on the positive!

  4. It never occurred to me to look at family search to see what has been added for a specific area. I'll have to try that. January was a great month for you.

  5. Thank you, all, for your encouraging comments. From where I sit, it doesn't feel like I accomplished very much. I suppose that's because I didn't do everything I hoped to do.


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.