Monday, February 6, 2012

High Hopes for February: To Do List -- Motivation Monday

Stephanie at Corn and Cotton: My Family’s Story has invited bloggers to share our goals (or in my case my "to dos") either each week or each month. Thank you, Stephanie. The idea is that making these public will help me feel more committed and sharing them among a group of other bloggers doing the same thing will increase motivation and mutual support.

Having not completed everything on my list in January, I have high hopes for February's list. I want to get "caught up," yet I don't want to overload my expectations to the point that I have to keep carrying over more and more each month. I guess I'll go easy on myself this month.

To Do in February:
● post my to do list and the beginning of the month and my successes (or lack thereof) at the end of the month
--- to do list posted on Monday, February 6

● watch one RootsMagic webinar and put what I learn to use (from January)

● transcribe at least one page of Ellis Bickerstaff's Civil War Pension File (from January)

● rename and organize at least one batch of photographs (20-50 images scanned on the same date)

● participate in Abundant Genealogy at least two weeks in the month

● share one Tuesday's Tip

● publish one Surname Saturday post. This will be an irregularly updated list of surnames and surname variations which will include where and when the variations appeared in documents

● continue my educational efforts
--- watched RootsTech live on Thursday, February 2, through Saturday, February 4
--- listened to DearMyrtle's RootsTech 2012 Review on Monday evening, February 6

That's enough for February.

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