Monday, June 11, 2012

We search for those who came before us. . .

. . .and we welcome those who come to us, new and fresh.
I'm off to await the birth of a grandboy - my first grandchild.
I'll be gone for a few weeks and may not get to post.
The generations continue.


  1. Wow, Nancy! How exciting :) I hope all goes well and wish the next generation of your family all the very best.

  2. Very excited for you, Nancy. First grandchild! I love being a grandmother and now the next generation - great-grandchildren is just as exciting.
    My very best to you and your family.

  3. Safe journey and many congratulations!

    Dee at Shakin' the Family Tree

  4. Congratulation, I pray all goes well.

  5. Hi Nancy, I'm new to your blog and enjoyed my visit here today very much. CONGRATULATIONS to you! I have two grand-daughters and another grand-daughter on the way. So I know how you're feeling right now. There's nothing quite like holding your first grand-child in your arms. Enjoy and cherish this moment!

  6. Great news about your grandson! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  7. Thank you all for your kind comments. I wasn't sure about being a grandmother but I think it's better than being a mother. All the fun and little of the responsibility!


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