Sunday, September 9, 2012

Once Upon a Time . . .

. . . not so long ago, on this very day at 2 a.m. in the morning, my daughter Natasha was born.   We were thrilled to welcome her to our family -- especially after a 23-hour labor.  On the way home from the hospital, 8 or 9 hours after she was born, Natasha slept through her first outing.  We stopped at Bob Evans where she and I enjoyed blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  (I can't remember what her dad ate.)

Here it is just a few years later and she has a baby of her own!  How does time go by so fast?  In a few years, her baby will be grown, too.

Though she's there and we're here, my heart is there with her today, wishing her the happiest of birthdays.

Here's a little cake for you, Natasha.  I wish it were real but it wouldn't travel well in the mail and I know your sister baked you a real one yesterday.  I guess this is for the memory of happy birthdays at home.

Happy Birthday, dear Natasha!

To you, dear readers:  This photo with the cake was taken a few years ago but it could have been taken today.  Our birthday cakes are always, always the same recipe: Sharon's Chocolate Cake.  We all love it and ask for it every year for our birthdays.  Come back on Friday and I'll share the recipe.


Copyright © 2012 Nancy Messier. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Happy birthday to Natasha from across the pond.

  2. Children are all too soon grown and have babes of their own. I miss my babies and sure would love the opportunity to start again knowing how quickly time passes. I cherish my four children and do adore with all my heart the eight grandchildren they have given me. Thank you for your heart warming story. P>S> Choc. cake is our favorite too. Happy Birthday Natasha.

  3. Happy belated birthday to Natasha, and the babe is simply precious...

    Dee at Shakin' the Family Tree

  4. Happy Birthday Natasha! Yes, time goes by much too fast doesn't it? Especially when it comes to our children growing up.

  5. Thank you for the birthday wishes! (Even though I'm late reading this and commenting). It better be more than just a few years, but as I already know the time does pass quickly. All too quickly. And I think it's funny that I think I look tiny in the photo but Malachi was a good three pounds lighter than me even!


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