Friday, October 26, 2012

Just Four Photographs... show the life story of the woman who was my maternal great-grandmother, Mary (Thompson) Bickerstaff.  In truth, I should be thrilled to have four. For some ancestors I have none. I guess I'm greedy:  Mary lived until 1940, through several decades when home photographs were popular.  Is there some cousin, somewhere, who may have more photos?  If so, I hope they'll share!

Today is Mary Bickerstaff's birthday.  She was born on October 26, 1872.  Happy Birthday, Gramma!


  1. Happy Birthday Mary. She is the classic grandma, the kind I associate with big hugs and warm pies.

    1. She DOES look like the classic, Gramma, doesn't she, Christine? She looks like the kind of Gramma I hope to be. I only wish I'd known her!

  2. What wonderful pictures! I think it is great you have pictures from different eras of her life. Good luck in finding more!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I know there are other living descendants and that one is interested in family history but lacks the time to do much. I hope when he has time he might find and share some more family photos. Thanks for visiting.


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