Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sentimental Sunday

I was talking with an acquaintance recently about how times have changed since she and I were young.  She is at least 10 years older than me so times have changed even more for her.  We both agreed that we liked Sundays when we were young better than the Sundays of today.  When we were young, families usually spent the day together and many attended church together.  Often they enjoyed a larger-than-weekday meal.  Sometimes families took Sunday afternoon rides in the country (which was not as far away as it is today because cities were smaller) to see what could be seen, to further enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the day, and to spend time together.  Occasionally, families visited relatives who didn't live nearby.   Except for pharmacies, restaurants, and gas stations, all stores were closed.  There was no shopping.  Sunday was a quiet, restful, relaxed day, not just in most homes but in neighborhoods and communities.  This may sound restrictive but it didn't feel so then.  It just felt peaceful.

Not long after that conversation I happened upon the notice, above, in the August 23, 1924, issue of The [Youngstown] Vindicator.  A little later I found the editorial, below, in the March 15, 1931, issue of the same newspaper.

On This Quiet Sunday
An Editorial

     One reason why this newspaper would not like to be in Russia is that in the United State we have one day in seven to stop and reflect, to commune with ourselves, to think of better things than occupied us the past six days, and to get our bearings again.
     Youngstown has had an example, the past few weeks, of how necessary such a day is.  Setting one day in six apart as a holiday, as Russia does, and rotating labor, so that the whole population is never at rest on the same day, does not answer the purpose.  Brains must always be in a whirl where such a system exists.  There can be no rest where one sees activity all about him.  Everyone must rest at once, the stores and factories shut down, the churches be thrown open and church bells rung, and there must be a holy day atmosphere in the air, if we are to receive the true benefit of the Sabbath.
I think newspapers would lose subscribers if they published headlines and editorials such as this today.

Our family continues the tradition of rest on Sunday.  We attend church then spend the rest of the day in quiet activities without the stress of work or worry.  I'm so glad we do.  It makes all the difference in my life.  I savor it as a time to gather my thoughts, rest, and prepare for the busyness of the coming week.  I hope you have a pleasant and peaceful Sunday, whatever you choose to do.


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