Thursday, April 18, 2013

Free Historic Maps . . .

. . . available through April 20, 2013.  As part of National Library Week ProQuest is making its Historic Map Works Library Edition database available at no cost to all.  Perhaps you will find an ancestor's name on an old property map, see the lay of the land when your ancestor walked, or make some other connection between land and your ancestor.  (UPDATED:  It appears that you must to to ProQuest to get to Historic Map Works.)
Look at your census transcriptions to find where your ancestors lived, then use the search box at the website to type in a location.  When a list of available maps appears, click on one of them to be taken to the map.  When the map appears, click on it to enlarge it.  It seems there's also an option to overlay an old map on a current one (though I haven't tried it).

Options available at the website include Browse, Search, Address, GPS Mapfinder, Illustrations, Directories, and Points of Interest.  Directories seem to be limited but the Illustrations section is extensive.  Do a broad search for a state, or a narrower search for a specific location.  When the results appear, use the F3 button on your keyboard (a search box will appear on the bottom of your monitor) to search for a location or name.  You will also be offered the options to print and/or save the map.

I just learned of this free resource this evening and haven't had time to search.  I'm hopeful!  What a generous offer from ProQuest.  Thank you.


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