Thursday, July 25, 2013

Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge Posts

You wouldn't think that one post per week would be too much of a challenge.  For me the challenge came in choosing a topic that met the alphabetical guideline for the week rather than actually writing the post.  Some weeks I came up nearly empty and scraped through by the skin of my teeth.  It was definitely worthwhile to participate -- I had to push myself a little -- but I'll think really carefully before deciding to do an alphabet challenge again.

All in one place, here's a list of the posts for the Family History Through the Alphabet challenge that I wrote between January and July, 2013.

A is for Abel Armitage
B is for Bradford Cathedral C is for Census Dates
D is for Details
E is for Ephemera
F is for Farmers and Fraternal Organizations
G is for Gerner
H is for Homes, Houses
I is for Immigrant Ancestors and Inventions
J is for Jewelry
K is for Killed (or Died) in Childhood
L is for Language
M is for Matrilineal Ancestors
N is for Names
O is for Occupations P is for Patience and Persistence
Q is for Quilts
R is for Rootsweb Mailing Lists
S is for Signatures
T is for Timelines
U is for Ubiquitous
V is for Vital Records
W is for Weddings
X is for x
Y is for Yes!
Z is for Zerelda



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