Saturday, August 8, 2009

"The Box"

The following is a list of items (except family photographs) from Aunt Polly's apartment which Mary Lowe sent to me in "the box." I'll scan the family photos and post them, hopefully within the next week or two.

If anyone who reads this wants any of the items listed below, please make a request in the comment section of this blog or send me an email. Some items have already been claimed, indicated by a family name in parentheses after the item.

Get ready. It's a long list. And now (drum roll, please) . . . .

The Contents of the box (in no particular order)

Jewelry. I tried to photograph these but they were too small to get a good image with my camera, even at the macro setting. Sorry. You'll have to imagine them if you can.
-- very small pin, gold in color, ~3/8". Has shield with 4 diamond shapes across the center. Other shapes not discernable; has tiny, tiny rectangles with non-English writing near bottom of pin.
-- pin, gold in color, ~ 3/4" x 3/8", oval in shape, with 7 tiny musical pipes in the center. Around the edge are the letters "M", "A", and "I" inside tiny black shield shapes. Between the shield shapes are tiny white "dots." I can't tell if they are stones or silver or...? Two tiny, short chains connect from the main pin. Attached at the end of one chain is a bow (as for a stringed instrument). Attached at the end of the other pin are the letters "A" and "N".

Folder with title "Slide File Index"
-- 13 pinkish photographs of unnamed, unidentified locations
-- 2 photosgraphs of the Thousand Islands (also pinkish) attached to a typewritten list with the title "Indiana, Ozarks, Kentucky, Tennesses, 1955"
-- handwritten lists of slides dated 1955, 1956, 1957, 1961; typewritten lists dated 1964, 1965, 1966-spring, 1966-trip west, 1967-spring, 1967-Florida & Nassau.

Graduation announcement for Jeff (to Jeff P.)

Envelope with
-- article with photo about Pauline "Polly" Meinzen from The Plain Dealer, May 27, 2005
-- Certificate of Death for W. C. Robert Meinzen (Nancy M.)
-- mass remembrance card for Polly Meinzen from Sam & Jean [illegible last name]
-- envelope with 7 photographs. On outside is written "Polly's Apartment/Carlton Park, Lorain Ave." [That note makes me think Mary Lowe - and possibly others - removed/kept some of the photos and other things they may have wanted. Some of the family photos had also been ripped out of an album - but at least we have the photos!]

Handwritten resume/life notes dating from 1933 to 1989

Handwritten note, "Played for him in the Mineral Ridge High School Band... October 1940... Franklin Delano Roosevelt.... Played bass horn...."

International Driving Permit, April 16, 1971

Envelope with
-- program for "The Belle of the West," presented by the Eighth Grade Mixed Choir under the direction of Miss Polly Meinzen, December 2-3, 1954. Schaaf Junior High School
-- newspaper article, "Schaaf Singers Do Western" from unnamed, undated newspaper
-- newspaper article with photos, "Parma Schaaf 8th Grade To Stage Western Play" by Joseph Manak, from unnamed, undated newspaper
-- newspaper article, "Western Comedy Rides Range At Parma Schaaf" from unnamed, undated newspaper
-- photographs of players: Nadine Ruple (Carmen); Bonnie Beuditz (Colorado Carrie) and Ricky Zeuch (Handsome Harry); Carol Toth (Boise Bess) and Daryl Kinion (Speedy Summers); Sandy SChuller (Missouri Myrt), Kay Holland (Nevada Nettie), and Judie Whitford (Laramie Lou); Caroline Simon (Seattle Sue) and Richard Klym (Cussin' Cal); Diane Heaton (Ida Mae Brown); and Yvonne Vignuelle (Klondike Kittie) and Ron Lendvay (Sure-Shot Sam).
-- 2 notes of gratitude, one small and brief; the other, larger, with about 52 signatures of students
[For other family historians who may be searching for ancestors in the above group of people, I hope to scan the photos and include them in this blog. I know, it's not OUR family, but I would be thrilled to find this information for any of our ancestors!]

Binder (1/2") with the following items
-- 1955 Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Permanent Special certificate, Music (with 7 photocopies)
-- 1965 ODE Provisional Pupil Personnel Service certificate, Guidance Counselor
-- 1968 ODE Provisional High School Principal's certificate
-- 1968 ODE Provisional Supervisor's certificate, Secondary Education
-- 1968 ODE Provisional Educational Administrative Specialist's certificate, Pupil Personnel Administration
-- 1969 ODE Professional Pupil Personnel certificate, School Counselor
-- 1971 ODE Professional Supervisor certificate, Supervision in Secondary Education
-- 1971 ODE Professional High School Principal certificate
-- 1972 ODE New Professional Educ. Admin. Specialist certificate, Pupil Pers. Admin.
-- 1977 ODE Professional Pupil Personnel certificate, School Counselor
-- 1979 ODE Permanent New Supervisor certificate, Elementary
-- 1979 ODE Permanent School Counselor New certificate
-- 1979 ODE Permanent High School Principal New certificate
-- 1968-69 East Cleveland City School (ECCS) Teacher's Limited Contract, Kirk Junior High ($13,404.00)
-- 1969 ECCS contract, W. H. Kirk Junior High School ($15,120.09)
-- 1970-71 ECCS contact - Kirk Junior High Administrative Assistant ($15,492.00)
-- 1971 ECCS contract - Teachers Continuing
-- 1971 ECCS contract - Teacher's Limited Supplement contract - Administrative Assistant - Special Activities ($1,452.00)
-- 1972-73 ECCS contract - Administrative Assistant, Special Activities ($1,498.03)
-- 1972-73 ECCS contract ($15,672.00)
-- 1973-74 ECCS contract, Assistant Principal - Kirk ($17,400.00 for 40 weeks)
-- 1945-50 Youngstown College Academic Record
-- 1953-54 Western Reserve University transcript (official), Graduate School
-- 21 Oct 1966 University of Colorado transcript
-- 1968 (winter) Western Reserve University transcript with grade report
-- 17 Jan 1968 University of Hawaii transcript
-- 1971 Ohio Wesleyan University transcript (official), German Study in Salzburg, Austria
-- no date Case Western Reserve University Official Student Schedule, student's copy
-- 1972-73 The Cleveland State University transcript
-- 9 Mar 1979 completed ODE application for certificate
-- photocopy of index card with certificates and issue dates
-- handwritten page with dates and certificates
-- 1 Mar 1979 - letter of resignation to East Cleveland Board of Education

Miscellaneous loose photos and photo album pages
-- ship, older woman in dooryway of room (probably on ship); older woman on ladder to top bunk; on reverse side is fact sheet about and layout of "Regal Princess"
-- 5 loose photos (faded): sailboats; sign pointing left to Shelburne and right to Ohio; monument with soldier in front; graveyard with white tombstones; desk in office
-- poster of Alaska Cruise with note, "Finally made it- with this trip I have been in all 50 states at least once." Dated 1992. On reverse, itinerary and boarding passes - Cleveland to Chicago; San Francisco to SLC to Denver to Chicago, dated 1992
-- 2 group photos, both including Aunt Polly
-- Christmas photos: creche; stockings; small Christmas tree (2); embroidered sweater; fireplace; desk with teddy bear; Aunt Polly in recliner; table set for buffet
-- Aunt Polly and unknown woman standing behind life preserver of Queen Elizabeth 2, Southampton. Along edge of photo: "Queen Elizabeth 2, 10th Anniversary, year 1979." [Unknown woman is probably Dr. E. Boyer - see QEII info below.]
-- Aunt Polly and unknown woman standing behind life preserver of Nautica Queen, Cleveland Ohio
-- group photo of Aunt Polly and unknown individuals
-- "Pam's folks' house - 1986, Greg-11 (next to Pam); Mike-9 (next to Doug)." No last names.
-- woman with 2 young men, Scott and Rob
-- boy about 8-10 years old in suit, kneeling with hands folded, holding rosary

Itinerary and memorabilia folder from 10th Anniversary Queen Elizabeth trip, September, 1979. Itinerary is written for Dr. E. Boyer and Ms. Polly Meinzen

Envelope of professional photos of Aunt Polly from West & West Photographers, in both color and black and white. These photos were probably taken at 2 different times, a guess based on the change in glasses frames.

Audiodisc (vinyl recording) - unnamed, undated [I think Brenna has an old record player. If I can find it, perhaps I'll listen to the record.

Family Information (to Nancy Messier)
-- 3 photocopies of letter Aunt Polly sent disowning family dated June 1, 1980
-- Warranty Deed from Edward J. Bickerstaff and Mary Bickerstaff to William C. R. Meinzen and Emma B. Meinzen, Feb 1932. This has signatures of Edward J. and Mary Bickerstaff. If anyone is interested I will scan this document and put it on this blog or make photocopies and mail them.
-- bills and 2 receipts from Lane Funeral Home
-- letter from attorney Joseph F. Ciaston to Pauline Meinzen, Oct. 12, 1979
-- empty envelope (postmark dated 14 Mar 1980) with Aunt Polly's writing on the outside - "Copy of bill arrived showing no further payments. Sent note saying I had paid my share. Sisters owe this bill."


  1. Hi Nancy - can you email me when you get a chance - . . . related to Meinzens.

  2. looks like it came out wrong - he it is:


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