Sunday, August 2, 2009

Photos from the Box

I've been thinking about doing a family history blog for a while.... I've done all this research and collected all this information and it sits alone on my shelves and in files on my computer until I pull it out to add more information. I've hesitated to start a blog for a variety of considerations and questions:

  • Would it take too much time? (I love to write but take too long to compose and edit.)
  • Did I have enough photos scanned? (I have few photos and little experience scanning.)
  • Should I have a blog for each family line or just one blog?
  • Are there any family members who are really interested?
  • Are other researchers searching for my family and could we help each other?
  • Would others be satisfied to have digital images or would they prefer papers copies?

All those considerations went by the wayside when a box arrived in the mail this past week. After my grandfather died, my mother's youngest sister (my youngest aunt) disowned the rest of the family and "ran off" with the family goods. This aunt passed away a year ago and family members were able to retrieve a few items that had belonged to parents and grandparents before a tag sale. (My choice ran to family photographs.) In the spring of this year, this aunt's executrix indicated that there was a box of photos and personal papers that she thought should go to someone in the family. I sent her a check and asked her to send the box. It finally arrived this past Monday.

While this box is not "full" of family photos, there are a good number of them that I think others in the family might like to see -- some of ancestors, some of living relatives. How could I get copies of these photos to everyone who wanted them? How could I let everyone see the photos to choose which they wanted? Suddenly it made sense to start a blog, post the photos, and then let others look and choose to either copy the photos to their own computers or ask for paper copies duplicated at a photo store.

This blog is an experiment. I hope it will be successful. Upcoming posts will include photos from the box and eventually some other photos collected from other sources.

I invite you who visit to leave a message, a note, a memory, a thought, an insight, a story, identify people and locations in photos, etc. Input is welcome! Thanks.

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