Monday, January 23, 2012

Family History Humor

I chuckled when I read this "family history" cartoon my aunt sent.

Not that carrier pigeons have anything to do with family history, really, but here's a link if you're interested in learning about them.


  1. Went to a pigeon museum in Oklahoma City (really, we did!). From what I remember, there are genealogy charts for the pigeons (much like the blood lines of horses). The military history of the pigeon Cher Ami (in the Wikipedia link) was also mentioned in the TV show White Collar last week. What a nice reminder of our visit to OK.

  2. Thanks, Dorene.

    Palms RV, who knew that pigeons were famous enough to have a museum devoted to them. Your post was very interesting. Thanks for including the link.

  3. Funny! I think I'll have to learn to text (I currently have it blocked on my phone).

  4. I love both the cartoon and the carrier pigeon info. Who knew?


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