Sunday, January 22, 2012

FamilySearch Tips

FamilySearch Tips is a great 10-minute presentation which explains five techniques to help you find ancestors at FamilySearch. Who knew that you could omit your female ancestor's name and find more information about her?! (You'll have to click on the link to watch: I couldn't imbed the presentation.)

Leslie Lawson, Forensic Genealogist, posted the link on Google+ the other day. I found it helpful and thought you might, too. Thanks, Leslie.


  1. I don't usually take the time to listen to videos, but for some reason, I decided to follow through on this one. As a test of one the tips, I attempted to find the maiden name of one of my GG grandmothers. It worked! It's Brown.

    Thanks for the assist!

  2. As I read your list of names you are researching, I saw you are researching the NELSONS. I have a brick wall of Nelsons in New York, mainly in Tompkins County. Do you have any connections to that area? Let me know, thank you!
    Carol Brennan Moss

  3. Francis, I'm so glad this helped you. Brown would have been a hard name to find -- it's such a common one. I hope you find many more ancestors on FamilySearch!


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