Personal/Family History questions
- What was your favorite color?
- Did you have a favorite season? If yes, which?
- What color are your eyes and hair?
- Did you spin wool, weave cloth, and/or sew clothes? Did you quilt?
- Were you apprehensive to travel from England to America?
- How did you meet Grampa Henry Meinzen?
- What was your favorite food? Did you make it often?
- Were there any traditions in your family when you were growing up or when you were a mother? If so, what were they?
- What was the hardest thing about being a mother?
- What invention during your lifetime helped make your life easier?
Genealogy Questions
- Was your mother Eliza Hartley? When did she die? Where is she buried?
- Who were your grandparents on both sides? Did you know them and spend time with them?
- You were only 12 when you left England. Did you have to work during your childhood? If so, what did you do?
That's enough questions for now, especially because I know I won't find answers, at least to any of the personal/family history questions.
Happy Birthday, Gramma. I hope the angels are celebrating with you today.
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm with you - it surely would be nice to be able to receive answers to our many questions. I am envious of people who have diaries left by their ancestors!