Saturday, July 27, 2024

Results of Grandparents' Surname Searches at FamilySearch Full Text Search for Saturday Night Genealogy Fun

For Saturday Night Genealogy Fun this week, Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings suggested this:
How many "Wills" for your grandparents' or great-grandparents' surnames are on the FamilySearch Full Text Search feature (see
I finished my list then realized that lists may contain results for much more than wills.  FamilySearch has expanded this collection so the results may include the following:  Legal Records, Censuses, Religious Records, Genealogies, Funeral Home Records, Miscellaneous Records, Military Records, Periodicals, School Records, Vital Records, Business Records, Government Records, Reference Materials, Voting Records, Migration Records, and Medical Records. 

I didn't go back to narrow the results to only wills so my results include all of the records FamilySearch found for each surname.

These are the results for my grandparents' and great-grandparents' surnames.
  • Doyle:  350,391 results
  • Gerner:  4,314 results
  • Meinzen:  63 results
  • Bickerstaff:  4356 results
  • Froman:  13,413
  • Bartley:  79,132
  • Armitage:  30,570
  • Thompson:  3,374,976

And these are the results for my second and third great-grandparents' surnames.
  • Laws:  3,374,976
  • Saylor:  8,497,986
  • Stahl:  47,367
  • Smith:  11,710,373
  • Hartley:  158,093
  • Nelson:  2,200,328
  • Bell:  2,835,995

I admit I was surprised at the high number of results for some of these surnames.  Talk about common names!  Thank goodness I can narrow the results by adding a first name; by country, state, and county; or by kind of record.

Thanks for the fun, Randy.

Copyright © 2024 Nancy Messier.  All Rights Reserved. 
Do not copy or use any content from this blog without written permission from the owner. 



  1. Wow! Aside from Meinzen, you had a high number of hits for your surnames. Hope you discover some of the files belong to your ancestors.

    1. You're right, Linda! I was surprised. I think it will help to narrow the results by location and then further by category, and then possibly by first name.


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