Meandering through Mineral Ridge's 46 pages of the 1940 U.S. Census was like taking a little tour of the Ridge. Street by street, page by page, I could track the methodical walk of George L. Bell, the census taker. Going from house to house, one by one, he visited each of its 461 homes. He commenced his duties in Mineral Ridge on Tuesday, April 2, and reached the last house on Wednesday, May 1.
He began his route on Ohltown Road on the south end of the Ridge. He'd written "Old Town Road." He was right that it was an old town: an old coal mining town with the mines long since closed. He reached Main Street, traveled north, then went down one side of each side street and back up the other, returning again to Main Street. There were few side streets on the west side of Main. When he reached the last one toward the center of the village, he crossed over to the east side of Main Street and began his walk down one side of each side street and up the other.
As I followed Mr. Bell's circular route through the pages of the census, the street names were like old friends. I could imagine them all in my mind's eye. Depot Street was named for the railroad tracks which it crossed. My mother always said a train whistle was a lonely, haunting sound, the sound of a loved one being carried away from home. And there was Blunt Street. On the east side of Main Street, there were "Kelley" (correctly spelled Kelly), Harding, and Williamson Streets. There was Morris Street, where my great-grandparents, Edward Jesse and Mary Bickerstaff, had lived in the house that Grampa built.

Other streets were Locust Street; Burnett Street, where my cousin lived; Prospect, Carver, and Warner Streets. Warner Street was in the country when I was young. It was all farmland then and a wonderful place to ride a bike. On to Salt Springs Road, then back to Ohltown Road again and on to Main Street.
Main Street, State Route 46, was a main thoroughfare and was the only paved road in Mineral Ridge. The side streets of the Ridge were covered with tar-bound Macadam: a layer of tar coated with small gravel which was pressed into the tar. There were no sidewalks. In the photo above you can see how rural the road looks -- 20 years after the 1940 census was taken. Mr. Bell must have had a dusty time of it.
With Mr. Bell I visited the Seiferts, Garlands, Keelings, Crofts, Ludwicks, Breezes, Morrises, and the Aults. None of the children I knew were in those homes. None of us were born yet. But families stayed in the Ridge for several generations. I went to school with grandchildren of some of some of those families. Grandchildren of other residents of the Ridge were already grown. There was Dr. Caskey and his wife, who sometimes substituted when I was in elementary school. She recommended that I read The Secret Garden. There were the Hiblers, the Michels (with a daughter who was my aunt's best friend), the Bakers, and the Frymans, all on Furnace Street. (Three of their homes are pictured in the photo above.) There were names I didn't recognize, too, of people who died or moved on before I was born.
I don't know how Mr. Bell felt about taking the 1940 census in Mineral Ridge but it was very satisfying following along behind him. I'm grateful for the impression I had to look through the pages of the census before it was indexed. By doing so I was able to learn who the neighbors of my family were and reminisce about little Mineral Ridge. I probably won't be around when the 1960 census comes out. Perhaps my grandchildren will find my classmates in many of the homes on its pages.
Copyright © 2012-2016 Nancy Messier. All Rights Reserved.
I did the same thing in my grandparent's neighborhoods in Detroit. I especially remember my father's because I grew up near there so I remember those streets and places. I hope to be around in 12 years to find myself at age 4 in the 1950 census.
ReplyDeleteI love the way you wrote this up. In my mind's eye, I could almost feel like I was walking along with the two of you.
ReplyDeleteNice! Felt I was right there with you. No small neighborhoods for me in the 1940 census....all relatives had moved to Los Angeles County by then. Hope to find my mom, dad, both sets of grandparents there in census. Mom and dad weren't married yet (probably hadn't even met)
ReplyDeleteThat was so fun! What an interesting look at the data found within the census. Talk about stepping back in time.
ReplyDeleteKristin, isn't it fun when we recognize the places where they lived? Not everything's the same but the streets are and many of the homes are still around. Yes, I hope to see the 1950 census, too.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kathy. Going through my old hometown on paper put my memory to work. These days we could walk through small towns or along streets with a video camera and record memories.
ReplyDeleteMary, it must be a challenge to have to search in a larger city. I guess the E.D. helps if you know what street they lived on. But if it was a rural neighborhood... Ugh. Hard work! Good luck with your searches. I hope find interesting bits of information.
ReplyDeleteBret, thanks for reading the post and leaving a comment. It was fun for me to step back in time, too. I just wish I had some photos of the Ridge in the 1940s. That would have made it even more fun.
ReplyDeleteMy current home and the home I've lived in since 2010 is the home pictured directly behind your grandparents. I grew up on Kelly St across from where the Kelly's lived with their 6(?)children in the then one bedroom home. My father grew up on Williamson and is still owned by my family. My parents built their current home in 1978 (right before my birth) on Dewey Rhodes property. It was interesting to hear how Furnace St received its name. I also, when married, live in the house at the end of Furnace just before the bend to Ashland. That home was built in 1900 and while remodeling, we found some pretty cool items behind the walls. I, too, was warned of the woods across the street. The well known professor from YSU, Ann Harris, told me about it as well as gave me documents regarding those mines. She learned of my hometown while I worked at YSU and was excited to share what she knew with me.
ReplyDeleteThat's fun history to know! Thanks for sharing. (The couple in the photo are actually my parents, Lee and Audrey Doyle.)