Tuesday, October 9, 2012

An Anniversary Remembered

Sometimes memory leads, sometimes a photo leads.  This time the photo leads.  It takes my memory back to the fall of 1964.  In truth, I don't have a clear recollection of this event but it matters little:  the photograph tells so much.

My brother, Bob, and his soon-to-be fiancée, Jan, are at the kitchen sink in the home where he and I grew up.  They came for a weekend visit from Ada/Blufton, Ohio, where he was in college and she was teaching school.  It's a late afternoon, probably on a holiday weekend, and we've just eaten an early dinner.  Bob and Jan offered to do the dishes.  Jan, anticipating helping in the kitchen, produced her own apron and they set about washing and drying.  (Had my mother been a little less care-full and particular about her kitchen she probably would have thrilled to give up the job of dishes.  As it was, I can imagine her hovering off to the side in watchfulness that all was done properly.)

I took this photograph those many years ago when I was just a kid.  It's been squirreled away until a few months ago when I discovered it -- and promptly misplaced it.  During a more thorough search last night I rediscovered it and scanned it.  It may seem like an unusual photo to post for an anniversary but over and over again it came to mind.  I love the photo for so many reasons, not the least of which is that my brother and future-sister-in-law are working side by side. 

Bob and Jan were married on October 9, 1965.  They celebrated only 29 years of marriage because Jan passed away in June, 1995.  I wanted to honor this day in memory of their marriage. 

Bob has since remarried.  He has such good taste in women and I'm delighted to have two wonderful sisters-in-law.


  1. That is such a precious photo - much more telling than a posed shot with faces might have been.

  2. It's nice that Bob and Jan are doing something "ordinary" side by side :-) Jo

  3. I'm interested that Bob is doing the dishes in his suit and that Jan took her own apron to dinner at her future in-laws. Even holiday dinners today are so much less formal and most future daughter-in-laws don't even own an apron, much less bring it along, intending to help do the dishes! There is always such a lot to ponder in these old photos.


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